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New Membership Request

By completing this form you are making a request to join our Rambling Group. You will be very welcome.

Please ensure you are aware of, and comfortable with, the following provisions:


Data Protection

The KRG will hold the details provided on this Application form and will use this for the following purposes: 

  • for maintaining membership records,

  • to respond to any enquiries you make,

  • to administer any events in which you participate or may wish to participate,

  • to contact you about walks, social events, holidays, etc.

We will not share your details with any individual or organisation outside of KRG, without your express permission. We do encourage members to share contact details with each other to enable car sharing. 



There is a joining fee of £10 which includes your membership to the following 31st January.  Thereafter there is an annual membership fee, currently £10, payable from 1st February. You are asked to make payment by bank transfer to the account detailed in the welcome letter you will receive after your membership application has been processed.



As you will have seen from our website we display photographs of our members both walking and enjoying social activities. We will assume that you consent to this practice; however, you are entitled to ask not to be included in any photographs as they are being taken or ask that any photographs containing your image are removed from the website.


Health and Safety

Members participate in the various activities of the Group at their own risk and are responsible for the consequences of their own behaviour.  The Group does not accept any responsibility for any injury incurred or damage to members’ vehicles or property.

On all walks and related activities organised by Kibworth Rambling Group you undertake to carry details of emergency contacts should you suffer an accident, sudden illness or other emergency situation. An "In Case of Emergency" form is available in the Members section of our website.


Leading Walks

The club is run entirely by volunteers. Our Walk Leaders are ordinary members who offer to put in a little extra time and effort to lead their fellow members on pre-advertised walks. All walkers are encouraged to lead walks - and help is available to facilitate this.


Emergency WhatsApp Group

We maintain a WhatsApp group to be used to contact members with urgent messages. All members with smartphones are strongly encouraged to participate.

Request to join Kibworth Ramblers

Thanks for submitting!
We’ll get back to you shortly.

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